China Waterproof Construction Material Manufacturing Industry, 2011

China waterproof construction material manufacturing industry, 2011

China waterproof construction material manufacturing Industry, 2011 is valuable for anyone who wants to invest in the waterproof construction material manufacturing industry, to get Chinese investments; to import into China or export from China, to build factories and take advantage of lower costs in China, to partner with one of the key Chinese corporations, to get market shares as China is boosting its domestic needs; to forecast the future of the world economy as China is leading the way; or to compete in the segment. The report provides in-depth analysis and detailed insight into the waterproof construction material manufacturing industry, market drivers, key enterprises and their strategies, as well as technologies and investment status, risks and trends.

Data sources: Governmental statistics organizations, market research (monitoring) centers, industry associations and institutions, import and export statistics organizations, and others.
This report is divided into 9 parts 19 chapters as follow:

Part 1 Industry Overview
1 Industry definition and development overview
2 Industry macroscopic environment and its influence analysis
3 Industry international market analysis
4 Industry domestic market analysis
Part 2 Basic indices
5 Analysis of the industry’s scale and condition: 2006-2010
6 Status analysis of gross assets analysis: 2006-2010
Part 3 Economic operation
7 Analysis of gross industrial output: 2006-2010
8 Industry sales income analysis: 2006-2010
9 Industry gross profit analysis
10 Industry import/export analysis in 2010
Part 4 Competition landscape
11 Industry competition landscape analysis
12 Industry key enterprises’ competitive power comparison (top 20)
Part 5 Key enterprises
13 Comparative analysis of the economic indicators of the industry’s key enterprises
Part 6 Business strategy
14. Development bottlenecks and coping strategies in Industry
15 Enterprise development strategy analysis and recommendations in Industry
Part 7 Market investment
16 Comparison and analysis of investment activity coefficient and rate of return on investment in Industry
17 Industry investment environment and risks analysis
Part 8 Technology
18 Status and trends of the newest technology applications in Industry
Part 9 Developments and trends
19 Development trends and operation capacity forecast for 2011-2015
There are more than 150 figures and tables in the report.
Report format: PDF
Knowledge is power. If you want to invest in, import into/from, partner with, or compete against any of the companies in this field, then China waterproof construction material manufacturing Industry, 2011 is required reading.
Part 1 Industry Overview
1 Industry definition and development overview
1.1 Definition of the industry and its core products
1.2 Industry main characteristics and development history
2 Industry macroscopic environment and its influence analysis
2.1 Current macroeconomic developments and trends
2.2 Industry newest policy and related laws and rules
2.3 Upstream, downstream industry development status
3 Industry international market analysis
3.1 International market development status
3.2 Key countries and regions development levels
3.3 International market movement and development trend analysis
4 Industry domestic market analysis
4.1 Domestic market development status
4.2 Trends in the domestic market
4.3 Sub-industry development status (or main industry development status)
Part 2 Basic indices
5 Analysis of the industry’s scale and condition: 2006-2010
5.1 Number of enterprises in the industry: 2006-2010
5.2 Number of loss-making enterprises in the industry: 2006-2010
5.3 Total loss of the industry: 2006-2010
5.4 Number of personnel employed by the industry: 2006-2010
6 Status analysis of gross assets analysis: 2006-2010
6.1 Status and analysis of gross assets: 2006-2010
6.2 Status and analysis of fixed assets: 2006-2010
6.3 Gross floating asset analysis: 2006-2010
Part 3 Economic operation
7 Analysis of gross industrial output: 2006-2010
7.1 Industry gross output value: 2006-2010
7.2 Distribution of gross industrial output value by geographic area: 2010
7.3 Comparison of the top 20 enterprises (based on highest gross output value)
8 Industry sales income analysis: 2006-2010
8.1 Sales income analysis in 2006-2010
8.2 Regional distribution status of sales income in 2010
8.3 Comparison of the top 20 enterprises (based on highest gross sales revenue) in 2010
9 Industry gross profit analysis
9.1 Gross profit analysis: 2006-2010
9.2 Regional distribution status of gross profit in 2010
9.3 Comparison of the top 20 enterprises (based on highest gross profit) in 2010
10 Industry import/export analysis in 2010
10.1 Import/export monthly status in 2010
10.2 Distribution of import/export Customs and countries in 2010
10.3 Distribution of import/export product categories in 2010
Part 4 Competition landscape
11 Industry competition landscape analysis
11.1 Regional market competition landscape
11.2 Comparison of enterprise’s market share (top 20)
12 Industry key enterprises’ competitive power comparison (top 20)
12.1 Comparison analysis of key enterprises’ total assets
12.2 Comparison analysis of key enterprises’ employees
12.3 Comparison analysis of key enterprises’ yearly revenue
12.4 Comparison analysis of key enterprises’ export turnover value
12.5 Comparison analysis of key enterprises’ total profit
12.6 Comparison analysis and recommendations on key enterprises’ overall competitive power
Part 5 Key enterprises
13 Comparative analysis of the economic indicators of the industry’s key enterprises
13.1 Geographical distribution
13.2 Competition status analysis of company AAAAA
A Enterprise’ basic information
B Enterprise’ balance sheet analysis
C Enterprise’ business operation analysis
D Enterprise’ operating expense and cost analysis
E Enterprise’ industrial intermediate inputs and cash flow analysis
F Enterprise’ non-operating expenses analysis
13.21 Competition status analysis of company TTTTT
A Enterprise’ basic information
B Enterprise’ balance sheet analysis
C Enterprise’ business operation analysis
D Enterprise’ operating expense and cost analysis
E Enterprise’ industrial intermediate inputs and cash flow analysis
F Enterprise’ non-operating expenses analysis
Part 6 Business strategy
14. Development bottlenecks and coping strategies in Industry
14.1 Development bottlenecks
14.2 Coping strategies
15 Enterprise development strategy analysis and recommendations in Industry
15.1 Enterprise business strategy analysis and recommendations
15.2 Marketing strategy, analysis, and recommendations
Part 7 Market investment
16 Comparison and analysis of investment activity coefficient and rate of return on investment in Industry
16.1 Industry activity coefficient comparison and analysis
16.2 Comparison and analysis on industry rate of return on investment
17 Industry investment environment and risks analysis
17.1 Investment environment analysis
17.2 Investment risks analysis
17.3 Investment recommendations
Part 8 Technology
18 Status and trends of the newest technology applications in Industry
18.1 Status of the newest technology applications
18.2 Trends of the newest technology applications
Part 9 Developments and trends
19 Development trends and operation capacity forecast for 2011-2015
19.1 Development trends
19.2 Operation capacity forecast for 2011-2015

China Waterproof Construction Material Manufacturing Industry

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Jib Cranes , Gantry Cranes, Goliath Cranes, Stacker Cranes
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The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Australia to 2015

The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Australia to 2015

Construction Equipment Market

This report is the result of WMI’s extensive market and company research covering Australia construction equipment market. With a combination of textual commentary, analysis, and charts, the report covers the following categories:
  • Earth moving equipment
  • Construction vehicles
  • Material handling equipment
  • Concrete equipment
  • Tunneling and drilling equipment
  • Road construction equipment
The report provides data for the historic years (2005-2009), estimated data for full year 2010, and forecasts from 2011 through 2015 along with growth rates. The report covers the performance of the overall construction equipment market along with individual performances of each category. It also includes the company profiles of the top construction equipment producers.

1 Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About?
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Summary Methodology
2 Executive Summary
3 Construction Industry Analysis
4 Construction Equipment Market Analysis
4.1 Construction Equipment Consumption
4.1.1 Construction Equipment Consumption Value Review
4.1.2 Construction Equipment Consumption Value Forecast
4.2 Construction Equipment Turnover
4.2.1 Construction Equipment Turnover Review
4.2.2 Construction Equipment Turnover Review by Category
4.2.3 Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
4.2.4 Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast by Category
4.3 Construction Equipment Exports
4.3.1 Construction Equipment Exports Review
4.3.2 Construction Equipment Exports Review by Category
4.3.3 Construction Equipment Exports Forecast
4.3.4 Construction Equipment Exports Forecast by Category
4.4 Construction Equipment Imports
4.4.1 Construction Equipment Import Review
4.4.2 Construction Equipment Imports Review by Category
4.4.3 Construction Equipment Import Forecast
4.4.4 Construction Equipment Import Forecast by Category
4.5 Construction Equipment Turnover Dynamics
5 Construction Equipment Market Category Analysis
5.1 Earth Moving Equipment
5.1.1 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Review
5.1.2 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.1.3 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.1.4 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.2 Construction Vehicles
5.2.1 Construction Vehicles Turnover Review
5.2.2 Construction Vehicles Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.2.3 Construction Vehicles Turnover Forecast
5.2.4 Construction Vehicles Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.3 Materials Handling Equipment
5.3.1 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Review
5.3.2 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.3.3 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.4 Concrete Equipment
5.4.1 Concrete Equipment Turnover Review
5.4.2 Concrete Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.4.3 Concrete Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.4.4 Concrete Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.5 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment
5.5.1 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Review
5.5.2 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.5.3 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.5.4 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.6 Road Construction Equipment
5.6.1 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Review
5.6.2 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.6.3 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.6.4 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.7 Other Construction Equipment
5.7.1 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Review
5.7.2 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.7.3 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.7.4 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
6 Company Profile: Alesco Corporation Ltd.
6.1 Alesco Corporation Ltd. – Company Overview
6.2 Alesco Corporation Ltd. – Business Description
6.3 Alesco Corporation Ltd. – Major Products and Brands
6.4 Alesco Corporation Ltd. – History
6.4.1 Alesco Corporation Ltd. – Key Employees
7 Company Profile: RCR Tomlinson Ltd.
7.1 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Company Overview
7.2 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Business Description
7.3 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Major Products and Services
7.4 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – History
7.5 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – SWOT Analysis
7.5.1 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Strengths
7.5.2 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Weaknesses
7.5.3 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Opportunities
7.5.4 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Threats
7.6 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Company Information
7.6.1 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Key Competitors
7.6.2 RCR Tomlinson Ltd. – Key Employees
8 Company Profile: Emeco Holdings Ltd.
8.1 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – Company Overview
8.2 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – Business Description
8.3 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – Major Products and Services
8.4 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – History
8.5 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – Company Information
8.5.1 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – Key Competitors
8.5.2 Emeco Holdings Ltd. – Key Employees
9 Company Profile: Global Construction Services Ltd.
9.1 Global Construction Services Ltd. – Company Overview
9.2 Global Construction Services Ltd. – Business Description
9.3 Global Construction Services Ltd. – Major Products and Services
9.4 Global Construction Services Ltd. – History
9.5 Global Construction Services Ltd. – Company Information
9.5.1 Global Construction Services Ltd. – Key Competitors
9.5.2 Global Construction Services Ltd. – Key Employees
10 Appendix
10.1 About World Market Intelligence
10.2 Disclaimer

Related Reports:
  1. The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Mexico to 2015
  2. The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Argentina to 2015
  3. The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Spain to 2015
  4. The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Australia to 2015
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Jib Cranes , Goliath Cranes |
read more “The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Australia to 2015”

2011 Deep Research Report on Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Industry

2011 Deep Research Report on Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Industry

China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Industry

Report Summary

2011 Deep Research Report on Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Industry was professional and depth research report on global and China CIGS thin film solar cell industry.this report has introduced almost all global and China CIGS projects, included CIGS project background, CIGS equipment sources, CIGS manufacturing process, CIGS thin film solar cell product specifications, CIGS module capacity and production, capacity expansion,CIGS module selling price, manufacturing cost, profit margin etc related information. Besides commercial production projects, the report also introduced building or planning CIGS projects,in a word, almost all CIGS projects were included in this report. Then, the report introduced global and China CIGS production,demand,supply and demand relation,average selling price,cost,profit margin and 2011-2015 development trend. in addition to this.the report has introduced CIGS manufacturing process (Co-Evaporation,Sputtering Selenization,Printing Selenization,Electrodeposition Selenization etc), CIGS Equipments(several equipment suppliers and their equipment specifications),in the end, we introduced CIGS project Feasibility analysis and related research conclusions. In a word, CIGS has become best solar cell invested product compare to other PV materials, as time go on, CIGS module efficiency will continue increasing and its 2009 average about 12% which is higher than 2008 about 10%.and some middle line product reach about 16%-17%, their commercial product efficiency was near crystalline silicon solar cell and the same time, CIGS module cost has greatly reduce, some equipment suppliers said that their product line could reduce their manufacturing cost to about 0.8USD/Watt. and thanks for CIGS technology improvement and cost reduction, Japan Solar Frontier hope become global Second First Solar.and Solar Frontier was carrying out their GW class expansion of CIGS business.more and more news showed CIGS is becoming a rare bright spot in the field of solar energy,as CIGS raw materials equipment module etc related sub-industry chain development,QYResearch believed CIGS would become the better solar cell or module with high efficiency low cost and large scale capacity.

In a word, it was a depth research report on Global and China CIGS thin film solar cell industry. And thanks to the support and assistance from CIGS industry chain related experts and enterprises during QYResearch Solar Energy Team survey and interview.

Table of Contents:

Chapter One CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Overview 1
1.1 Definition of CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell 1
1.2 Classification and Application 4
1.3 Industry Chain Structure 5
1.4 Difference between CIGS and Other Solar Cell 5
Chapter Two Manufacture Technology and Processes of CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell 6
2.1 CIGS Manufacturing Technology Overview 6
2.1.1 Multicomponent Co-Evaporation(Vacuum Processes) 9
2.1.2 Sputtering+Selenization (Vacuum Processes) 12
2.1.3 Printing (Non-Vacuum Processes) 14
2.1.4 Electrideposition (Non-Vacuum Processes) 15
2.2 CIGS Process and Equipment Analysis 17
2.3 CIGS Equipment List 20
2.4 CIGS Detection Equipment List 22
2.5 CIGS BOM(Bill Of Material) 23
Chapter Three CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 24
3.1 CIGS Productions Overview 24
3.2 CIGS Global Manufacturer Market Share 28
3.3 CIGS China Manufacturer Market Share 30
3.2 Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Demand 31
3.3 Supply and Demand of Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell 32
3.4 CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Cost Price Value Efficiency Profit Margin 33
Chapter Four CIGS Manufactuers 33
4.1 Showa Shell Solar(Solar Frontier) (Japan) CuInSe2 33
4.2 Global Solar Energy (US) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 38
4.3 Würth Solar (Germany) CuInSe2 41
4.4 Solibro Solar(Q-CELL) (Germany) Cu(lnGa)Se2 46
4.5 Honda Soltec(Japan)Cu(lnGa)Se2 49
4.6 Miasolé (US) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 53
4.7 Bosch Solar CISTech GmbH (Germany) Cu(lnGa)(SSe)2 55
4.8 Odersun(China AT&M) (Germany) Flexible CISCut 58
4.9 Sulfurcell (Germany) CulnSe2 61
4.10 AVANCIS(Shell Solar) (Germany) CulnSe2 64
4.11 Nanosolar (US) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 67
4.12 Ascent Solar(US) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 71
4.13 Sunvim Solar (Shandong China) Cu(lnGa)(SSe)2 73
4.14 SoloPower (US) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 76
4.15 Jenn Feng New Energy (Taiwan) Cu(lnGa)Se2 78
4.16 Sunshine PV(Taiwan) Cu(lnGa)Se2 81
4.17 Axuntek Solar (Taiwan) Cu(lnGa)Se2 84
4.18 Ritek Solar (Ritek and Scheuten) (Taiwan) Cu(lnGa)Se2 86
4.19 AUO (Taiwan) Cu(lnGa)Se2 88
4.20 Daiyang Metal (Korea) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 90
4.21 AQT Solar 92
4.22 HelioVolt (USA) Cu(lnGa)Se2 95
4.23 Solyndra (USA) Cu(lnGa)Se2 97
4.24 DayStar (USA) Cu(lnGa)Se2 101
4.25 Flisom (Switzerland) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 104
4.26 NSESI (Beijing) Cu(lnGa)Se2 106
4.27 TSMC (Taiwan) Cu(lnGa)Se2 108
4.28 Nesisolar (Qingdao) Cu(lnGa)Se2 110
4.29 GroupSat (Suzhou) Flexible Cu(lnGa)Se2 112
4.30 Others 114
4.30.1 Scheuten Solar (Holand) CIS 115
4.30.2 Shurjo Energy Private (India) CIGS 115
4.30.3 CIS Scientific (Canada) Flexible CIS 116
4.30.4 InterPhases Solar (USA) Flexible CIS 118
4.30.5 ISET (USA) Flexible CIGS 119
4.30.6 PVflex Solar (Germany) Flexible CIGS 120
Chapter Five CIGS Building and Planing Projects 121
5.1 Guangzhou Huamao(Baiyun District Guangzhou) 121
5.1.1 CIGS Project Overvie 121
5.1.2 Project Plan and Forecast 122
5.2 Huitong Guarantee (Panzhihua Sichuan) 122
5.2.1 CIGS Project Overvie 122
5.2.2 Project Plan and Forecast 123
5.3 ARION(Jinzhou) 123
5.3.1 CIGS Project Overvie 123
5.3.2 Project Plan and Forecast 124
5.4 Weihai China Glass Solar(Weihai) 124
5.4.1 CIGS Project Overvie 124
5.4.2 Project Plan and Forecast 126
5.5 Shanxi Hongshen PV New Energy (Shanxi) 126
5.5.1 CIGS Project Overvie 126
5.5.2 Project Plan and Forecast 128
5.6 Shangke PV (Guilin) 128
5.6.1 CIGS Project Overvie 128
5.6.2 Project Plan and Forecast 129
5.7 Yanyuan PV(Henan) CIGS 130
5.7.1 CIGS Project Overvie 130
5.7.2 Project Plan and Forecast 133
5.8 Suwan Solar(Anhui) 133
5.8.1 CIGS Project Overvie 133
5.8.2 Project Plan and Forecast 135
5.9 Quandong Solar(Nanjing) 136
5.9.1 CIGS Project Overvie 136
5.9.2 Project Plan and Forecast 139
5.10 Dikai PV(Guangxi) 139
5.10.1 CIGS Project Overview 139
5.10.2 Project Plan and Forecast 140
5.11 Hakeli International (Inner Mongolia) 140
5.11.1 CIGS Project Overview 140
5.11.2 Project Plan and Forecast 140
Chapter Six CIGS Equipment Suppliers 141
6.1 Veeco (US) 141
6.2 Centrotherm(FHR) (Germany) 143
6.3 ULVAC (Japan) 144
6.4 XsunX (US) 145
6.5 Amelio Solar(RESI) (US) 146
6.6 Nanowin (Taiwan) 147
6.7 VON ARDENNE (Germany) 150
6.8 GPM (Taiwan) 154
Chapter Seven Feasibility Analysis of China New CIGS Thin Film Project 155
7.1 Opportunity and Risk of China 50MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Project 155
7.2 Feasibility Analysis of China 50MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Project 155
Chapter Eight CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Research Conclusions 189
Tables and Figures:
Figure CIGSThin Film Solar Module Pictures 1
Figure CIGS Solar Cell Structure 3
Table Solar Cell Classification and Application by PV Materials 3
Table CIGS Solar Cell Classification and Application by Substrate Materials 4
Table CIGS Solar Cell Classification and Application by Light Absorption Layer Materials 4
Figure CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell and Module Indstru Chain Structure 5
Table CIGS and Other 6 Kinds of Solar Cell Specification Comparison List 5
Table CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Key Manufacturing Processes and Efficiency(%) 6
Table Vacuum Processes CIGS Companies and Their Manufacturing Processes List 7
Table Non-Vacuum Processes CIGS Companies and Their Manufacturing Processes List 8
Figure Multicomponent Co-Evaporation CIGS Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Structure and Technology Advantages 9
Figure CIGS Deposition System Strucutre 10
Figure Multicomponent Co-Evaporation CIGS Module Multi-Step Growth Process 10
Figure Light Absorption Layer CIGS Gradient Bandgap Picture 11
Figure Sputtering+Selenization CIGS Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Structure and Technology Advantages 12
Figure Gaseous Selenium Source Selenization/ Sulfuration Process Flow 13
Figure Solid Selenium Source Selenization/ Sulfuration Process Flow 13
Figure Printing CIGS Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Structure and Technology Advantages 14
Figure Electrideposition CIGS Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Structure and Technology Advantages 15
Figure CIGS Electrideposition Schematic Diagram 16
Figure CIGS Solar Cell Vacuum Processes Flow 17
Figure CIGS Solar Cell Non-Vacuum Processes Flow 18
Figure CIGS Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Flow 18
Figure Germany Centrotherm (FHR) CIGS Solar Cell Equipment Process Flow 19
Table CIGS Product Line (50MW) Key Equipments List and Price(10K USD) 20
Table CIGS Product Line (50MW) Detection Equipment List and Price (10K USD) 22
Table CIGS Product Line(50MW) BOM(Bill Of Material) and Cost (USD/W) 23
Table 2010-2015 Global Major CIS/CIGS Module Manufacturer Capacity and Global Total Capacity (MW) 24
Table 2010-2015 Global Major CIS/CIGS Module Manufacturer Capacity Market Share List 25
Table 2010-2015 Global Major CIS/CIGS Module Manufacturer Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 25
Table 2010-2015 Global Major CIS/CIGS Module Manufacturer Production Market Share List 26
Figure 2010-2015 Global CIS/CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 27
Table 2010-2015 Global CIS/CIGS Module Capacity Utilization List 27
Figure 2010 Global Major CIGS Manufacturer CIGS Module Production (MW) and Market Share 29
Figure 2011 Global Major CIGS Manufacturer CIGS Module Production (MW) and Market Share 30
Figure 2011 China Major CIGS Manufacturer CIGS Module Production (MW) and Market Share 31
Table 2010-2015 Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Demand( MW) List 31
Table 2010-2015 Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Supply,Demand and Shortage (MW) 32
Table 2010-2015 Global CIS/CIGS Module Production (MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 33
Table Japan Showa Shell Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 34
Table 2010-2015 Japan Showa Shell Solar CISModule Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 37
Figure 2010-2015 Japan Showa Shell Solar CIS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 38
Table US Global Solar Energy Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 38
Table 2010-2015 US Global Solar Energy CIGSModule Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 40
Figure 2010-2015 US Global Solar Energy CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 41
Table Germany Würth Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 41
Table 2010-2015 Germany Würth Solar CIS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 45
Figure 2010-2015 Germany Würth Solar CIS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 46
Table Solibro Solar(Q-CELL) Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 46
Table 2010-2015 Germany Solibro Solar(Q-CELL)CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 48
Figure 2010-2015 Germany Solibro Solar(Q-CELL)CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 49
Table Japan Honda Soltec Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 49
Table 2010-2015 Japan Honda Soltec CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 52
Figure 2010-2015 Japan Honda Soltec CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 53
Table US Miasole Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 53
Table A-Si CdTe CIGSThin Film Solar Cell Highest Lab Cell Efficiency List 54
Table 2010-2015 US Miasole CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 55
Figure 2010-2015 US Miasole CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 55
Table Bosch Solar CISTech GmbH Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 56
Table 2010-2015 Bosch Solar CISTech GmbH CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 57
Figure 2010-2015 Bosch Solar CISTech GmbH CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 58
Table Germany Odersun Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 59
Table 2010-2015 Germany Odersun CIS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 60
Figure 2010-2015 Germany Odersun CIS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 61
Table Germany Sulfurcell Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 61
Table 2010-2015 Germany Sulfurcell CIS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 63
Figure 2010-2015 Germany Sulfurcell CIS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 64
Table Germany AVANCIS Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 65
Table 2010-2015 Germany AVANCIS CIS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 66
Figure 2010-2015 Germany AVANCIS CIS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 67
Table US Nanosolar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 67
Table NanolarCIGS Module and Normal Thin Film Solar Module Specification Comparison 69
Table 2010-2015 US Nanosolar CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 70
Figure 2010-2015 US Nanosolar CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 71
Table US Ascent Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 71
Table 2010-2015 US Ascent Solar CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 73
Figure 2010-2015 US Ascent Solar CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 73
Table China Sunvim Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 74
Table 2010-2015 China Sunvim Solar CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 75
Figure 2010-2014 China Sunvim Solar CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 76
Table US SoloPower Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 76
Table 2010-2015 US SoloPower CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 78
Figure 2010-2014 US SoloPower CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 78
Table Taiwan Jenn Feng New Energy Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 79
Table 2010-2015 Taiwan Jenn Feng New Energy CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 80
Figure 2010-2014 Taiwan Jenn Feng New Energy CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 81
Table Taiwan Sunshine PV Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 81
Table 2010-2015 Taiwan Sunshine PV CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 83
Figure 2010-2014 Taiwan Sunshine PV CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 84
Table Taiwan Axuntek Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 84
Table 2010-2015 Taiwan Axuntek Solar CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 85
Figure 2010-2014 Taiwan Axuntek Solar CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 86
Table Taiwan Ritek Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 86
Table 2010-2015 Taiwan Ritek Solar CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 87
Figure 2010-2014 Taiwan Ritek Solar CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 88
Table Taiwan AUO CIGS Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 88
Table 2010-2015 Taiwan AUO CIGS Module Production(MW) Efficiency(%) ASP,Cost,Profit(USD/W) Production Value (Million USD) Profit Margin List 90
Figure 2010-2014 Taiwan AUO CIGS Module Capacity Production (MW) and Growth Rate 90
Table Daiyang Metal Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 91
Table Daiyang Metal CIGS Project Information Table (Investment Shareholders Location Scale Equipment Sources etc) 91
Table AQT Solar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 93
Table HelioVolt Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 95
Table Solyndra Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 97
Figure Solyndra Cylinder CIGS Solar Module 99
Table DayStar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 102
Table Flisom Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 104
Table NSESI Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 106
Table TSMC Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 108
Table Nesisolar Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 110
Table GroupSat Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 112
Table Global Other CIGS Companies and Their R&D Projects List 114
Table Guangzhou Huamao CIGS Project Information List (Investment,Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 121
Table Guangzhou Huamao CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 122
Table Huitong Guarantee CIGS Project Information List (Investment,Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 123
Table Huitong Guarantee CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 123
Table ARION CIGS Project Information List (Investment,Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 123
Table ARION CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 124
Table Weihai China Glass Solar CIGS Project Information List (Investment, Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 125
Table Weihai China Glass Solar CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 126
Table Shanxi Hongshen PV New Energy CIGS Project Information List (Investment, Shareholding,Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 126
Table Shanxi Hongshen PV New Energy CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 128
Table Shangke PV CIGS Project Information List (Investment,Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 128
Table Shangke PV CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 129
Table Yanyuan PV CIGS Project Information List (Investment,Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 130
Table Yanyuan PV CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 133
Table Suwan Solar CIGS Project Information List (Investment, Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 133
Table Suwan Solar CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 136
Table Quandong Solar CIGS Project Information List (Investment, Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 136
Table Quandong Solar CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 139
Table Dikai PV CIGS Project Information List (Investment, Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 139
Table Dikai PV CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 140
Table Hakeli International CIGS Project Information List (Investment, Shareholding, Location,Capacity,Equipment Sources etc) 140
Table Hakeli International CIGS CIGS Project Capacity Production (MW) and Forecast 141
Table Taiwan Nanowin CIGS Turnkey Solution Related Technology Specifications 148
Figure Taiwan Nanowin CIGS Equipment Process Flow 149
Table VON ARDENNE Company Information Table (Products,Revenue,Raw Materials and Equipments,Clients,Capacity Expansions etc 13 items) 150
Table VON ARDENNE CIGS Product Line Equipment Information 151
Table Opportunity and Risk List of China 50MW CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Project 155
Table 2010 and 2016 Renewable Energy Targets of Global 39 Countries 155
Table 2010-2015 Global 11 Countries PV Installations(MW) Data List 157
Table Global 9 Countries PV Subsidies Policy List 157
Table China Planning Building PV Power Stations List 169
Table 2010-2015 Global and China PV Module Demand (MW) 171
Table 2009-2015 Global Crystalline Silicon+Thin Film Solar Module Production (MW) 172
Table 2009-2015 China Crystalline Silicon+Thin Film Solar Module Production (MW) 173
Table 2010-2015 Global and China PV Module Supply Demand and Shortage (MW) 174
Table 2010-2015 Global Major CdTe Module Manufacturers Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 178
Table 2010-2015 Global Major CIS/CIGS Module Manufacturer Production (MW) and Global Total Production List 178
Table A-Si CIGS CdTe DSSC Four Kinds Solar Cell Specifications Comparison 179
Table China 50MW CIGS(BIPV Module) Project Schedule and Production (MW) Forecast 180
Table 50MW CIGS Project Capacity Production Sales(MW) ASP(USD/W) Revenue(10K USD) List 181
Table 50MW CIGS Project Capacity Utilization Finished Product Qualification Rate List 182
Table 50MW CIGS Project Production (MW) ASP (USD/W) Revenue Profit (Million USD) List 182
Table 2009-2020 Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 183
Table 2009-2020 Multi Crystalline Silicon PV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 184
Table 2009-2020 CdTe Solar Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 184
Table 2009-2020 CIGS Solar Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 185
Table 2009-2020 A-Si Solar Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 185
Table 2009-2020 Mono Crystalline Silicon BIPV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 186
Table 2009-2020 Multi Crystalline Silicon BIPV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 187
Table 2009-2020 CdTe BIPV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 187
Table 2009-2020 CIGS BIPV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 187
Table 2009-2020 A-Si BIPV Module ASP Cost (USD/W) Profit Margin Information List 188
2011 Deep Research Report on Global and China CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Industry
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Australia and New Zealand – Car Theft and Insurance Market

Report Summary

Australia and New Zealand ranked 5th and 3rd highest vehicle theft risk countries out of 20 key global markets

Australia and New Zealand represent high theft risk markets. The insurance industries in these markets, however, have started taking steps to reduce vehicle theft through public awareness campaigns and discounts for higher security fitment. New Zealand is now starting to follow its Australian counterparts’ lead by considering mandatory immobiliser fitment.

With the onset of potential new legislation and as a part of SBD’s ongoing reporting on global vehicle theft, this new report explains the insurance criteria, describes future developments in legislation and provides a general overview of the situation related to vehicle theft in Australia and New Zealand.

This report will enable you to:
  • Learn what the Australian and New Zealand insurance industry’s response is to theft rates
  • Plan vehicle security specifications for these markets
  • Offer security systems which are compliant with latest legislation and insurance criteria
  • Understand how current activities within government and insurance will have an impact on the future requirements for these markets

Australia and New Zealand – Car theft and insurance

Table of Contents
1. Executive summary
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Conclusions
1.3 Overview
1.4 Current situation
1.5 Future changes
2. Australia – Market Overview
2.1 Market situation
2.2 Car theft data
2.3 Theft reduction strategies
3. Australia – Insurance System
3.1 Insurance Association
3.2 Types of insurance offered
3.3 Risk classification
3.4 Vehicle security assessment
4. New Zealand – Market Overview
4.1 Market situation
4.2 Car theft data
4.3 Theft reduction strategies
5. New Zealand – Insurance System
5.1 Insurance Association
5.2 Types of insurance offered
5.3 Risk classification
5.4 Vehicle security assessment
6. Joint Australia and New Zealand Standards Committee
6.1 AS/NZS 4601 – Standard for vehicle immobilisers
6.2 AS/NZS 3749 – Standard for vehicle intruder alarms
7. Future Developments
7.1 Australia
7.1.1 NMVTRC annual strategic plans
7.2 New Zealand
7.2.1 Mandatory immobilisers
7.2.2 Compulsory third party property insurance
Fig. 1 A comparison of total vehicle theft and theft rates in Australia and New Zealand
Fig. 2 Types of insurance in Australia and New Zealand
Fig. 3 Map of Australia
Fig. 4 Australia new passenger car sales
Fig. 5 2009 Australia new passenger car sales (by manufacturer)
Fig. 6 Most popular models in Australia (by new car sales in 2009)
Fig. 7 Total motor vehicle theft in Australia
Fig. 8 Motor vehicle theft rates in Australia (by region)
Fig. 9 Rising vehicle theft in the Northern Territory and the ACT
Fig. 10 2008/09 Motor vehicle theft rates by year of registration
Fig. 11 Motor vehicle theft rate in Australia by immobiliser fitment
Fig. 12 “Most at Risk” vehicles in 2008/09
Fig. 13 Percentage of insurance claims by anti-theft device fitment
Fig. 14 Percentage change in the recovery rate of stolen vehicles, 2000-2009
Fig. 15 Top 10 profit-motivated theft targets, 2007 to 2009
Fig. 16 NMVTRC “Immobilise Now” posters
Fig. 17 RCAR New vehicle theft resistance assessment scoring
Fig. 18 Regions of New Zealand
Fig. 19 New passenger car sales in New Zealand
Fig. 20 New Zealand annual new vehicle sales versus used imports
Fig. 21 2009 New Zealand new passenger car sales (by manufacturer)
Fig. 22 Most popular models in New Zealand (by new vehicle sales in 2008)
Fig. 23 Total motor vehicle thefts in New Zealand (by year)
Fig. 24 New Zealand recovery rate of stolen vehicles
Fig. 25 2009 Motor vehicle insurance take-up rates in New Zealand
Fig. 26 NZSA star rating scheme requirements
Australia and New Zealand – Car Theft and Insurance

Related Reports:
  1. Connecting Usage-Based Insurance with OE Telematics
  2. Usage-based Insurance: A Market Assessment
  3. The Future of Retailing in Australia
  4. Australia and New Zealand – Car Theft and Insurance Market
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Construction Equipment Market in Argentina to 2015

The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Argentina to 2015

Construction Equipment Market

This report is the result of WMI’s extensive market and company research covering Argentina construction equipment market. With a combination of textual commentary, analysis, and charts, the report covers the following categories:
Earth moving equipment
Construction vehicles
Material handling equipment
Concrete equipment
Tunneling and drilling equipment
Road construction equipment
The report provides data for the historic years (2005-2009), estimated data for full year 2010, and forecasts from 2011 through 2015 along with growth rates. The report covers the performance of the overall construction equipment market along with individual performances of each category. It also includes the company profiles of the top construction equipment producers.
1 Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About?
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Summary Methodology
2 Executive Summary
3 Construction Industry Analysis
4 Construction Equipment Market Analysis
4.1 Construction Equipment Consumption
4.1.1 Construction Equipment Consumption Value Review
4.1.2 Construction Equipment Consumption Value Forecast
4.2 Construction Equipment Turnover
4.2.1 Construction Equipment Turnover Review
4.2.2 Construction Equipment Turnover Review by Category
4.2.3 Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
4.2.4 Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast by Category
4.3 Construction Equipment Exports
4.3.1 Construction Equipment Exports Review
4.3.2 Construction Equipment Exports Review by Category
4.3.3 Construction Equipment Exports Forecast
4.3.4 Construction Equipment Exports Forecast by Category
4.4 Construction Equipment Imports
4.4.1 Construction Equipment Imports Review
4.4.2 Construction Equipment Imports Review by Category
4.4.3 Construction Equipment Imports Forecast
4.4.4 Construction Equipment Imports Forecast by Category
4.5 Construction Equipment Turnover Dynamics
5 Construction Equipment Market Category Analysis
5.1 Earth Moving Equipment
5.1.1 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Review
5.1.2 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.1.3 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.1.4 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.2 Construction Vehicles
5.2.1 Construction Vehicles Turnover Review
5.2.2 Construction Vehicles Turnover Forecast
5.3 Materials Handling Equipment
5.3.1 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Review
5.3.2 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.3.3 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.3.4 Materials Handling Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.4 Concrete Equipment
5.4.1 Concrete Equipment Turnover Review
5.4.2 Concrete Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.4.3 Concrete Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.4.4 Concrete Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.5 Road Construction Equipment
5.5.1 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Review
5.5.2 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.6 Other Construction Equipment
5.6.1 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Review
5.6.2 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
6 Appendix
6.1 About World Market Intelligence
6.2 Disclaimer

Jib Cranes | Gantry Cranes | Goliath Cranes |
The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Mexico to 2015
The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Spain to 2015
The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Argentina to 2015
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Geothermal Power Market and Heat Pump Market

Global Geothermal Power and Heat Pump Market Outlook: (2010-2015)

Heat Pump Market

Geothermal Power Market

Report Summary

Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy derived from the earth’s crust. The heat available underneath is called as geothermal heat, which is utilized to generate power by drilling wells and employing various technologies such as dry steam, flash steam, and binary cycle. Another major utilization of geothermal heat is its direct use in space heating, aquaculture, horticulture, swimming pools, and spa treatments. These two applications form the geothermal energy industry and are the focus areas of interest in the report.

The report provides comprehensive analysis and forecast of geothermal energy industry. The analysis and forecasts are based on key data points regarding installed capacity, technological developments and use, market segments, research and development. It incorporates cost related aspects of the geothermal energy industry categorized into fixed and variable costs.

The report also consists of updates and developments in the market during the last 12 months. The surging prices of non-renewable sources, petroleum in particular and growing concern over pollution control is helping the growth of the market for renewable sources of energy.

Markets Covered

The major applications of geothermal energy like electricity generation and direct use (geothermal heat pump installations) have been covered in great detail. The sub-types of these applications of geothermal energy based on their conversion technologies and equipments have been analyzed in detail. We have done an in-depth competitive landscape and geographic analysis for each of the markets and their sub-segments, covering the major markets, viz. Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and Rest of the World (RoW).

  • Geothermal power plant companies
  • Geothermal industry equipment manufacturers
  • Government agencies
  • Institutional investors/shareholders
  • Power distributors
  • Environmental research institutes
Research Methodology

The global geothermal energy market is analyzed and forecasted for the period 2010 to 2015. Market forecasts are based on primary and secondary research data. The market structure is designed on the basis of the secondary research conducted to study the product portfolios of major global renewable energy companies. This structure is cross-validated through primaries conducted with the industry players and KOL’s (Key opinion leaders). The secondary research was based on paid sources such as Factiva and basic internet search for relevant news articles and websites of companies and associations.

The major players have been profiled on the basis of their recent additions to installed capacities, future projects, and publicly available information. The market value for geothermal electricity is calculated on the basis of average tariff rates in major countries.

For geothermal heat pumps, market is forecasted on the basis of cumulative number of installations assuming average capacity of heat pump to be 12kW. The installed capacity of geothermal heat pump is approximated to be 67% of total installed capacity based on secondary and primary research.

What makes our reports unique?
  • We provide the longest market segmentation chain in this industry- not many reports provide market breakdown upto level 5.
  • We provide 10% customization. Normally it is seen that clients do not find specific market intelligence that they are looking for. Our customization will ensure that you necessarily get the market intelligence you are looking for and we get a loyal customer.
  • 15 pages of high level analysis including benchmarking strategies, best practices and the market’s cash cows (BCG matrix). We conduct detailed market positioning, product positioning and competitive positioning. Entry strategies, gaps and opportunities are identified for all the stakeholders.
Powerful Research and Analysis

MarketsandMarkets (M&M) is a global market research and consulting company based in the U.S. We publish strategically analyzed market research reports and serve as a business intelligence partner to Fortune 500 companies across the world. MarketsandMarkets also provides multi-client reports, company profiles, databases, and custom research services.

M&M covers thirteen industry verticals, including advanced materials, automotive and transportation, banking and financial services, biotechnology, chemicals, consumer goods energy and power, food and beverages, industrial automation, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor and electronics, and telecommunications and IT. We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository.

Global geothermal power and heat pump market offering a promising growth rate of 14% by 2015. 

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Usage-based Insurance: A Market Assessment


The premise of UBI is that it identifies good drivers and influences behavior resulting in fewer or less severe accidents. Insurers charge these drivers lower premiums for improved claims experience. Insurers verify the driver’s behavior wirelessly from a telematics device in the vehicle supported by a robust set of IT solutions.

Features and benefits
  • Assessment of the UBI marketplace.
  • Identification of key UBI ecosystem participants.
  • Discussion of the major business models being used by insurers offering UBI.
  • Discussion of the drivers and inhibitors shaping the UBI marketplace.
  • Discussion of the technology and telecommunications requirements needed to implement and support UBI.

UBI premium-setting is based on an individual driver’s behavior and represents a dramatic shift from insurers’ use of the law of large numbers. This fragmentation of the risk pool puts insurers on a path towards one-to-one customer interactions and provision of best-of-class customer service.

Your key questions answered
  • What is usage-based insurance?
  • Which insurance companies are offering UBI?
  • What are the opportunities for mobile operators in the UBI marketplace?
  • What are the opportunities for IT firms supporting insurers offering UBI?
  • What are the value propositions and major objectives of key UBI ecosystem players?

Usage-based Insurance: A Market Assessment

Usage-based Insurance

Usage Based Insurance

Table Of Contents


In a nutshell
Ovum view
Key messages
UBI repeals the law of large numbers
UBI programs need robust mobile telecommunications
UBI is all potential
No optimal rating model apparent
Insurers will be getting deeper into the information business


UBI is a dramatic shift from traditional automobile insurance
The UBI marketplace encompasses a diverse ecosystem of industries
Embedded chips and robust wireless telecommunications make UBI possible
The essence of success in the UBI ecosystem is coopetition among industries
A growing number of insurers worldwide participate in the UBI space


A variety of insurer business models exist, each with its own implications for UBI providers
Prepaid UBI models let customers buy blocks of miles
Mileage/odometer-based UBI models are relatively inexpensive
Behavior-based UBI models provide insurers with the most desirable information
Location-based UBI models are desirable, but also controversial
Device-based plus VAS models create revenue opportunities
Insurers must balance the benefits of key rating factors with the cost of collecting them
The UBI space is characterized almost entirely by market potential
There are three major operational platforms in the UBI ecosystem
Customer trust platforms can help insurers save on UBI operational costs
Partner platforms support a variety of UBI business models
Ownership platforms give insurers VAS positioning strength
There are several market positioning paths available to insurers
A host of market drivers could make UBI a reality
Inhibitors slowing UBI adoption are centered around cultural inertia and insurer uncertainty
UBI participants must manage a wide range of regulations
Technology underpins entire process
Wireless communications is critical to UBI
UBI platforms require equipment, connectivity, and applications
Mobile operators need device platform partners for UBI
Wireless access and device costs must come down
Recommendations for insurance companies
Recommendations for mobile operators
Recommendations for information technology vendors
Alternative views
Further reading
Ovum Consulting
Usage-Based Insurance
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Connecting Usage-Based Insurance with OE Telematics - New Market Report

Connecting usage-based insurance with OE telematics

PAYD Market
Report Summary

A clear and concise review of global initiatives to launch usage-based insurance schemes, better known as Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD). This report describes not only the different technology approaches to such services, but also provides insight into how OE telematics could be the successful partner for PAYD Market.

Table Of Contents

1. Executive summary
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Lack of current success
1.3 Positive future

2. What is usage-based insurance?
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Marketing
2.2 Scheme options
2.3 Technologies
2.3.1 Standards

3. Market Overview
3.1 Austria
3.2 Belgium
3.3 Canada
3.4 France
3.5 Germany
3.6 Ireland
3.7 Israel
3.8 Italy
3.9 Japan
3.10 Netherlands
3.11 South Africa
3.12 Spain
3.13 United Kingdom
3.14 United States of America

4. OE Telematics and usage-based insurance

4.1 Fiat Blue & Me

5. Success factors
5.1 Short term
5.2 Medium term
5.3 Long term


Fig. 1 Factors restricting success of usage-based insurance
Fig. 2 Objectives for usage-based insurance schemes
Fig. 3 Usage-based insurance monitoring criteria
Fig. 4 Examples of usage-based insurance schemes
Fig. 5 Fiat Blue & Me services
Fig. 6 Fiat Blue & Me Insure business architecture
Fig. 7 Unresolved issues for usage-based insurance
services Usage-Based Insurance
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Construction Equipment Market in Mexico to 2015

The Future of the Construction Equipment Market in Mexico to 2015

Construction Equipment Market in Mexico

Construction Equipment Market
Report Summary

This report is the result of extensive market and company research covering the Mexican construction equipment market. With a combination of textual commentary, analysis, and charts, the report covers the following categories:

  • Earth moving equipment
  • Construction vehicles
  • Material handling equipment
  • Concrete equipment
  • Tunneling and drilling equipment
  • Road construction equipment
  • Other construction equipment
The report provides data for the historic years (2005-2009), estimated data for full year 2010, and forecasts from 2011 through 2015 along with growth rates. The report covers the performance of the overall construction equipment market along with individual performances of each category. It also includes the company profiles of the top construction equipment producers.

  • Analysis on current year performance and forecast assumptions for each category
  • Supporting text on individual construction equipment categories including full year 2010 market value and forecasts till 2015
  • Profiles of top construction equipment producers in the country
Reasons To Buy
  • Gain insight into Mexican construction equipment market with current, historic and forecast market values
  • Get insight on the construction equipment categories of the Mexican construction equipment market
  • Identify top producers of the Mexican construction equipment market along with profiles of all those companies
Table Of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About?
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Summary Methodology
2 Executive Summary
3 Construction Industry Analysis
4 Construction Equipment Market Analysis
Construction Equipment Consumption 14
4.1.1 Construction Equipment Consumption Value Review
4.1.2 Construction Equipment Consumption Value Forecast
4.2 Construction Equipment Turnover
4.2.1 Construction Equipment Turnover Review
4.2.2 Construction Equipment Turnover Review by Category
4.2.3 Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
4.2.4 Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast by Category
4.3 Construction Equipment Exports
4.3.1 Construction Equipment Exports Review
4.3.2 Construction Equipment Exports Review by Category
4.3.3 Construction Equipment Exports Forecast
4.3.4 Construction Equipment Exports Forecast by Category
4.4 Construction Equipment Imports
4.4.1 Construction Equipment Import Review
4.4.2 Construction Equipment Imports Review by Category
4.4.3 Construction Equipment Import Forecast
4.4.4 Construction Equipment Import Forecast by Category
4.5 Construction Equipment Turnover Dynamics
5 Construction Equipment Market Category Analysis
5.1 Earth Moving Equipment
5.1.1 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Review
5.1.2 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.1.3 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.1.4 Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.2 Construction Vehicles
5.2.1 Construction Vehicles Turnover Review
5.2.2 Construction Vehicles Turnover Forecast
5.3 Material Handling Equipment
5.3.1 Material Handling Equipment Turnover Review
5.3.2 Material Handling Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.3.3 Material Handling Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.3.4 Material Handling Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.4 Concrete Equipment
5.4.1 Concrete Equipment Turnover Review
5.4.2 Concrete Equipment Turnover Review by Subcategory
5.4.3 Concrete Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.4.4 Concrete Equipment Turnover Forecast by Subcategory
5.5 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment
5.5.1 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Review
5.5.2 Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.6 Road Construction Equipment
5.6.1 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Review
5.6.2 Road Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
5.7 Other Construction Equipment
5.7.1 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Review
5.7.2 Other Construction Equipment Turnover Forecast
6 Appendix
6.1 About World Market Intelligence
6.2 Disclaimer

List of Tables

Table 1: Construction Equipment Category Definitions
Table 2: Construction Equipment Consumption Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 3: Construction Equipment Consumption Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 4: Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 5: Construction Equipment Turnover by Category Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 6: Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 7: Construction Equipment Turnover by Category Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 8: Construction Equipment Exports Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 9: Construction Equipment Exports by Category Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 10: Construction Equipment Exports Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 11: Construction Equipment Exports by Category Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 12: Construction Equipment Imports Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 13: Construction Equipment Imports by Category Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 14: Construction Equipment Imports Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 15: Construction Equipment Imports by Category Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 16: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 17: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 18: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 19: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 20: Construction Vehicles Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 22: Construction Vehicles Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 24: Material Handling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 25: Material Handling Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 26: Material Handling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 27: Material Handling Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 28: Concrete Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 29: Concrete Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 30: Concrete Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 31: Concrete Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 32: Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 34: Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 36: Road Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 38: Road Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Table 40: Other Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Table 42: Other Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
List of Figures
Figure 1: Construction Equipment Consumption Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 2: Construction Equipment Consumption Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 3: Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 4: Construction Equipment Turnover by Category Value (%), 2005–09
Figure 5: Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 6: Construction Equipment Turnover by Category Value (%), 2010–15
Figure 7: Construction Equipment Exports Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 8: Construction Equipment Exports by Category Value (%), 2005–09
Figure 9: Construction Equipment Exports Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 10: Construction Equipment Exports by Category Value (%), 2010–15
Figure 11: Construction Equipment Imports Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 12: Construction Equipment Imports by Category Value (%), 2005–09
Figure 13: Construction Equipment Imports Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 14: Construction Equipment Imports by Category Value (%), 2010–15
Figure 15: Construction Equipment Turnover Dynamics by Category (%), 2005–15
Figure 16: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 17: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (%), 2005–09
Figure 18: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 19: Earth Moving Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (%), 2010–15
Figure 20: Construction Vehicles Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 21: Construction Vehicles Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 22: Material Handling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 23: Material Handling Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (%), 2005–09
Figure 24: Material Handling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 25: Material Handling Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (%), 2010–15
Figure 26: Concrete Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 27: Concrete Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (%), 2005–09
Figure 28: Concrete Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 29: Concrete Equipment Turnover by Subcategory Value (%), 2010–15
Figure 30: Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 31: Tunneling and Drilling Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 32: Road Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 33: Road Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15
Figure 34: Other Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2005–09
Figure 35: Other Construction Equipment Turnover Value (US$ Million), 2010–15

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Market Study - Global and China Stainless Steel Industry Report, 2009-2010

Global and China Stainless Steel Industry Report, 2009-2010

China Stainless Steel Industry

Stainless Steel Industry

Report Summary

Stainless steel can be classified into 300 series, 400 series and 200 series, among which, 300 series boasts the mainstream in the market. In 2009, 300 series accounted for 60.6% of the global stainless steel output and 52.06% of the Chinese stainless steel output.

With the growing demand for stainless steel in emerging economies like China, South Korea and India, the global stainless steel industry is transferring to these countries at an ever faster speed. In 2009, against the backdrop of declining consumer demand for stainless steel in Europe and America, global crude stainless steel output dropped 5.2% year on year to 24.6 million tons. By contrast, the stainless steel output in Asia increased by 6.2%. A case in point is China, whose output of crude stainless steel rose by 26.8% to 8.805 million tons.

In recent years, with the increasing consumer demand for stainless steel in China, stainless steel industry segments such as stainless steel board, strip, section and pipe have seen rapid increase in output, and the emergence of competitive flagship enterprises.

In the stainless steel board sector, Lianzhong (Guangzhou) Stainless Steel Corporation has the largest output of 200 series stainless steel coil. Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel, Baosteel Stainless Steel, Zhangjiagang Pohang Stainless Steel, Jiuquan Iron & Steel Group, and Taishan Steel are competitive in the 400 series stainless steel coil market. In particular, Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel ranked No.1 in the world in terms of the stainless steel output in 2009.

In the stainless steel strip sector, private stainless steel enterprises are major players. Fujian Wuhang Stainless Steel Products, with hot-rolled and cold-rolled stainless steel strips as main products, achieved an annual crude stainless steel output of 900,000 tons in 2009. Southwest Stainless Steel, a hot-rolled stainless steel strip manufacturer, achieved an annual crude stainless steel output of 400,000 tons.

In the stainless steel section sector, there are 18 leading enterprises, including Tsingshan Holding Group and Dongbei Special Steel Group. Dongbei Special Steel Group mainly manufactures stainless steel bar and wire rod. Dalian Special Steel Products Co., Ltd of Dongbei Special Steel Group accounts for over 50% of the domestic output of stainless wire in coil.

In the stainless steel pipe sector, 10 stainless steel manufacturers including Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel, Baosteel Stainless Steel and Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-tech Metals are leading seamless stainless steel pipe providers in China, while five stainless steel enterprises including Winner Stainless Steel Tube, Foshan Outstanding Stainless Steel, Jiuli Hi-tech Metals, Foshan Lanshi Yuhang Star Stainless Steel and Jiangsu Wujin Stainless Steel Pipe Group are leading welded stainless steel pipe suppliers in China.

Table Of Contents

1. Overview
1.1 Definition & Classification
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Cost Structure

2. Industry Development in the World

2.1 Supply
2.2 Industry Pattern
3. Industry Development in China
3.1 Industrial Policy
3.1.1 Industrial Policy
3.1.2 Export Policy
3.2 Industrial Structure
3.3 Supply & Demand
3.3.1 Supply
3.3.2 Demand
3.3.3 Import & Export
3.4 Market Price
4. Market Segments in China
4.1 Stainless Steel Board
4.1.1 Production
4.1.2 Import & Export
4.1.3 key Manufacturers
4.2 Stainless Steel Strip
4.2.1 Production
4.2.2 Import & Export
4.2.3 key Manufacturers
4.3 Stainless Steel Section
4.3.1 Production
4.3.2 Import & Export
4.3.3 key Manufacturers
4.4 Stainless Steel Pipe
4.4.1 Production
4.4.2 Import & Export
5. Global Stainless Steel Manufacturers
5.1 ThyssenKrupp Stainless GmbH
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Business Development in China
5.2 Arcelor Mittal
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Business Development in China
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Business Development in China
5.4 Acerinox Group
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.5 Outokumpu Stainless Steel Oy
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Investment Plan
5.5.4 Business Development in China
6. Chinese Stainless Steel Manufacturers
6.1 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Competitive Edge
6.1.4 Investment in Overseas Minerals
6.2 Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Stainless Steel Projects under Construction
6.3 Tsingshan Holding Group
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Investment
6.4 Fujian WuHang Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.5 Lianzhong (Guangzhou) Stainless Steel Corporation
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.6 Yongxing Special Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.7 Dongbei Special Steel Group Co., Ltd.
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.8 Shandong Taishan Steel Group
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.9 RUITIAN Steel Co., Ltd.
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Operation
6.10 Sichuan Southwest Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Operation

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  6. Global and China Stainless Steel Industry Report, 2009-2010
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