Connecting Usage-Based Insurance with OE Telematics - New Market Report

Connecting usage-based insurance with OE telematics

PAYD Market
Report Summary

A clear and concise review of global initiatives to launch usage-based insurance schemes, better known as Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD). This report describes not only the different technology approaches to such services, but also provides insight into how OE telematics could be the successful partner for PAYD Market.

Table Of Contents

1. Executive summary
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Lack of current success
1.3 Positive future

2. What is usage-based insurance?
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Marketing
2.2 Scheme options
2.3 Technologies
2.3.1 Standards

3. Market Overview
3.1 Austria
3.2 Belgium
3.3 Canada
3.4 France
3.5 Germany
3.6 Ireland
3.7 Israel
3.8 Italy
3.9 Japan
3.10 Netherlands
3.11 South Africa
3.12 Spain
3.13 United Kingdom
3.14 United States of America

4. OE Telematics and usage-based insurance

4.1 Fiat Blue & Me

5. Success factors
5.1 Short term
5.2 Medium term
5.3 Long term


Fig. 1 Factors restricting success of usage-based insurance
Fig. 2 Objectives for usage-based insurance schemes
Fig. 3 Usage-based insurance monitoring criteria
Fig. 4 Examples of usage-based insurance schemes
Fig. 5 Fiat Blue & Me services
Fig. 6 Fiat Blue & Me Insure business architecture
Fig. 7 Unresolved issues for usage-based insurance
services Usage-Based Insurance
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