Global Industrial Enzymes Market: An Analysis

Global Industrial Enzymes Market: An Analysis

The current report offers a detailed insight of the global industrial enzymes market. Technological developments and product innovations have fuelled the application of enzymes in various industrial sectors in the past few years. Industrial enzymes can typically replace conventional chemicals, getting more out of raw materials and increasing the efficiency of production processes.

On the basis of application, industrial enzymes could be divided into four major categories, i.e. detergent enzymes, technical enzymes, food enzymes and feed enzymes. The technical enzymes segment could further be divided into textile enzymes, leather enzymes, pulp and paper enzymes, fuel ethanol enzymes and others. The major enzymes used in industrial enzymes market are amylase, lipase, protease, ligase, phytase, cellulose, xylanase etc. Food enzymes constitute the major market share of the all four categories of industrial enzymes as of 2009. However the y-o-y growth registered by technical enzymes segment was highest in past 4-5 years due to dramatic growth of the fuel ethanol enzymes segment. The global fuel ethanol enzymes industry constituted about 11% of the global industrial enzymes market in 2009 and the market has increased at an annual growth rate of 15%-20% in the past few years.

Industrial enzymes operates in an oligopolistic market with the presence of three major suppliers, Novozymes A/S (headquartered in Denmark), Genencor International Inc. (headquartered in the U.S.), and DSM N.V (headquartered in the Netherlands). Their main market segments are food (e.g., dairy, baking, brewing, beverage), animal feed, and technical applications. Novozymes is the largest supplier in each of these three sectors, with an estimated market share of 47% of the industrial enzyme market in 2009.

By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.


1. Industrial Enzymes
1.1 Enzymes: A Brief Overview
1.2 Industrial Enzymes: Value Chain Analysis
2. Global Industrial Enzyme Market
3. Market Segmentation
3.1 Detergent enzymes
3.2 Food Enzymes
3.3 Technical Enzymes
3.3.1 Textile Industry
3.3.2. Leather Industry
3.3.3. Pulp and Paper Industry
3.3.4. Fuel Ethanol Industry
3.4 Feed Enzyme
4. Market Drivers
4.1 Innovation
4.2 Growing Population
4.3 Growing Fuel Ethanol Market
4.4 Increasing Health Consciousness
4.5 Growing Demand of Animal Nutrition
4.6. Rising Detergent Market
5. Key Challenges
5.1 Rising Input Costs
5.2 Stringent Regulations
5.3 Rising Energy Prices
6. Competitive Landscape
7. Company Profiles
7.1 Novozymes
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.1.2. Revenue and Income Analysis
7.1.3 Business Strategies
7.2 Danisco
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.2.2. Revenue and Income Analysis
7.2.3 Business Strategies
7.3 DSM
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.3.2. Revenue and Income Analysis
7.3.3 Business Strategies
8. Market Outlook
8.1 Market Forecast
8.2 Forecast Methodology
8.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
8.2.2 Correlation Analysis
8.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Tables
Segmentation of Global Enzyme Market by size, 2009
Industrial Enzymes: Y-o-Y Growth Rate of Market segments
Enzymes used in Leather Making Process
Enzyme Application in Paper and Pulp Industry
New Product Launches by Industrial Enzyme Industry, 2004-2008
Household Detergent Market of A.I.S.E Member Countries, 2009
Industrial & Institutional Detergent Market of A.I.S.E Member Countries, 2009
Financial Position of Key Players, 2009
Dependent & Independent Variables (2003– 2009)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary – Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
List of Figures
Value Chain of Industrial Enzyme Industry
Global Market Size and Growth Rate of Industrial Enzymes, 2003-2009
Industrial Enzymes: Global Market Segmentation, 2009
Global Detergent Enzyme Market, 2006-2009
Penetration of Enzymes into World Laundry Detergent Market
Global Food Enzymes Market, 2002-2009
Segmentation of Global Food Enzymes Market, 2009
Global Textile Enzyme Market, 2006-2009
Global Textile Industry Growth, 2003-2010e
Global Leather Enzyme Market, 2006-2009
Paper and Pulp Enzyme Market, 2006-2009
Global Fuel Ethanol Enzymes Market, 2006-2009
US Fuel Ethanol Production, 1990-2009
Global Fuel Ethanol Production (country wise), 2008
Enzyme Use Cost per Gallon Bioethanol, 2007-2010
Production Cost per Gallon Bioethanol, 2007-2010
Global Feed Enzymes Market, 2006-2009
Global Adjusted Feedstock Availability
Estimated Production MG/Year based on Adjusted Feedstock
Survey of Enzyme Users: Most Important Factor in Choosing One Supplier Relative to Another
Global Population Growth, 2000-2009
Global Grains and Oil Seed Production and Use
US RFS Mandate- Mandated US Production of Biofuels, 2008-2022
Global Obese Population, 2002-2009e
World Meat Market Growth Rate 2007 vs 2008
Household Detergent Market, 2009
Industrial and Institutional Detergent Market, 2009
Market share of Industrial Enzymes Players, 2009
Revenues of Novozymes, 2005-2009
Novozymes Revenue, Segment Breakdown, 2009
Net Income of Novozymes, 2005-2009
Revenues of Danisco, 2006-2010
Danisco Revenue, Segment Breakdown, 2009/10
Net Income of Danisco, 2006-2010
Revenues of DSM, 2005-2009
DSM Revenue, Segment Breakdown, 2009
Net Income of DSM, 2005-2009
Global Industrial Enzymes Market Forecast: 2009A-2014F
Market Research News

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