GSK To Make Available Rotavirus Vaccine, Rotarix To Gavi Alliance At $2.50 Per Dosage

GSK To Make Available Rotavirus Vaccine, Rotarix To Gavi Alliance At $2.50 Per Dosage

GSK declared that it has made a new proposal to make available its rotavirus vaccine, Rotarix, to the Gavi Alliance at $2.50 per dosage, a small portion of developed world prices. This pronouncement is part of the company’s labors to enhance access to its medicines and vaccines in the poorest countries of the world. It is expected that more than half a million children die of rotavirus gastroenteritis each year – the equivalent of a child a minute worldwide and it is accountable for the hospitalization of millions more.

GSK’s proposal has been made in response to a UNICEF request for rotavirus vaccines and will now be assessed by UNICEF. If accepted, huge amount of vaccination against rotavirus could begin later this year. The proposal made to UNICEF was developed in discussion with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Clinton Health Access Initiative with support from the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO), and comes ahead of the Gavi Pledging Conference for Immunization which will be held in London this month.
This latest assurance for Rotarix follows the declaration in March 2010 that GSK would provide its pneumococcal vaccine, Synflorix, to Gavi at a profoundly economical price through an inventive financing system known as the Advance Market Commitment (AMC). Rotavirus associated diarrhoea and pneumococcal infections are the two most important childhood killers in developing countries.

Original Source: GSK To Make Available Rotavirus Vaccine, Rotarix To Gavi Alliance At $2.50 Per Dosage
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