China Automotive Aftermarket Industry 2012 Deep Research Report

China Automotive Aftermarket Industry 2012 Deep Research Report



China Automotive Aftermarket Industry


2012 Deep Research Report on China Automotive Aftermarket Industry > was a professional and depth research report on China automotive aftermarket Industry.


Firstly the report describes the background knowledge of Automotive aftermarket, including Concepts Classification service, supply chain, competition, development trend market demand supply and relationship, marketing and distributing system and operating mode, related suppliers analysis and success case analysis China United Sates Japan etc auto parts aftermarket business model and comparison, China market history today and tomorrow analysis, and also introduced new invested Opportunities in China auto parts aftermarket industry. 


What is more, the report use large pages introduce consumer behavior and related service situation of current China market. And also introduced some China economy background and related automotive demand development. In a word, It was a depth research report on China Automotive aftermarket industry. And thanks to the support and assistance from Automotive aftermarket industry chain related experts and enterprises during QYResearch auto parts aftermarket Research Team survey and interview.


Table of Contents


Chapter One Automotive Parts Industry Overview 1

1.1 Automotive Parts Industry Definition and Classification 15

1.1.1 Automotive Parts Industry 15

1.1.2 Automotive Parts Industry Product Classification 15

1.1.3 China automotive parts market development 20

1.2 Automotive Parts Industry Circulation Characteristics 22

1.2.1 Demand Characteristics 22

1.2.2 Operating Characteristics 24

1.2.3 Characteristics of Vehicle Service 26

1.3 China Automotive Parts Industry Basic Characteristics 27

1.3.1 Automotive Parts Industry Value Chain 27

1.3.2 China Automotive Parts Industry Development History 29

1.3.3 China Automotive Parts Industry In the industry Life Cycle Stage 30

1.3.4 China Automotive Parts Industry Development Trend Analysis 36

1.3.5 China Automotive Parts Industry Entry and Exit Analysis 39

1.4 China Automotive Parts Industry Current Status and Problems Analysis 40

1.4.1 Automotive Parts Industry Occupies an Important Position in the Automotive Industry 40

1.4.2 Vice Plant Accessories are Key Products in Maintenance Market 42

1.4.3 Distribution Channel Complex Price Confusion low Circulation Efficiency 43

1.4.4 Marketing Methods are Backward, the major means of competition is price 43

1.4.5 Market concentration is low, Large number of dealers, regulatory small, low quality 44

1.4.6 Operations is not standardized Counterfeit parts Flooding the market 45

1.4.7 automotive parts City and Auto Parts Fair are automotive parts Marketing Key Method 45

1.5 China Automotive Parts Related Industries Analysis 47

1.5.1 Automotive Market Development Trend Analysis 47

1.5.2 2011 China Car Sales once again to Refresh the global history 55

1.5.3 2012Q1 China Automotive Production and Sales 56

1.5.4 Second-hand Car Market Analysis 61

1.6 Domestic Auto Parts Circulation Pattern 65

1.6.1 Domestic Parts Supply Chain 65

1.6.2 China Aotu Parts Demand Structure 67

1.6.3 China End-users Demand Pattern 69

1.6.4 Automotive Parts City 70

1.6.5 Domestic Auto Parts and the development direction of the circulation 72


Chapter Two Global Automotive Parts Industry Development Status 72

2.1 Global Automotive Parts Industry Development Characteristics 72

2.1.1 Global Automotive Industry Development 72

2.1.2 Global Automotive Parts Industry Status 78

2.2 Japan Automotive Parts Industry Development Status 80

2.2.1 Japan Automotive Parts Market Characteristics 80

2.2.2 Japan Automotive Parts Market Development Composition and Scale 82

2.2.3 Japan Automotive Parts Industry Operation Mode 82

2.4 United States Automotive Parts Industry Development Status 84

2.4.1 United States Automotive Parts Industry Market Scale Characteristics 84

2.4.2 United States Automotive Parts Market Operation Mode 86


Chapter Three China Automotive Parts Market Liquidity Analysis 88

3.1 China Automotive Parts Market Overview 88

3.2 Automotive Parts Market Circulation Mode Overview 91

3.2.1 China Automotive Parts Market Industry Chain and Distribution Channels 91

3.2.2 China Automotive Parts Market Circulation Pattern Classification 92

3.2.3 China Automotive Parts Market Circulation Enterprises 93

3.2.4 China Automotive Parts Procurement Decision-making Process 95

3.3 Traditional Circulation Pattern Analysis 96

3.3.1 Traditional Circulation Pattern Overview 96

3.3.2 China Automotive Parts City Development Status 97

3.3.3 China Automotive Parts City Operating Mode Analysis 99

3.3.4 China Automotive Parts City Value Added Service Analysis 100

3.3.5 China Automotive Parts City Development Trend 103

3.3.6 Sample – Beijing Western Suburbs Automotive Parts City Analysis 105

3.4 Vehicle Factory After Sales Service Model Analysis 109

3.4.1 Vehicle Factory After Sale Service Model Analysis 109

3.4.2 Supplier to Enter the Vehicle After-sales Service System Analysis 109

3.4.3 Distributor to Enter the Vehicle After-sales Service System Analysis 110

3.4.4 China Vehicle After-sales Service Market Status 113

3.5 Value Chain Vertical Integration Model (Chain Hypermarkets Marketers) 116

3.5.1 Overview of Vertical Integration Model of Value Chain 116

3.5.2 Automotive Parts Chain Business Model Analysis 117

3.5.3 China Automotive Parts Supermarkets Mode Analysis 117

3.5.4 China Automotive Parts Marketers Mode Analysis 119

3.6 China Automotive Parts Market Brands Analysis 120

3.7 Requirements of New Enter in Automotive Parts Market 121

3.8 China Automotive Parts Purchase Mode Analysis 123


Chapter Four China Automotive Parts Market Demand Analysis 128

4.1 China Automotive Parts Demand Characteristics 128

4.1.1 Car Ownership Expansion Bring a New Climax of Automotive Parts City Construction 128

4.1.2 Car Ownership Analysis 130

4.1.3 Auto Parts Demand for Single Vehicle 133

4.1.4 Machinery Parts and Components are Market Mainstream, Electronic Products own Huge Development Potential 135

4.1.5 Automotive Parts Imports Products Cover a wide range,key of them are high-tech value-added products 136

4.2 China Automotive Parts Demand Forecast 137

4.3 Personal Automotive Parts Consumer Characteristics and Consumer Preferences Analysis 138

4.3.1 Vehicle Maintenance Concept Win Support by Most Consumers 138

4.3.2 Consumers Attention of Automotive Parts focused on Price 138

4.3.3 The Majority of Owners choose 4S Shop Maintenance 139

4.3.4 The majority of owners choose maintenance locations, focusing on professional service and price 141

4.3.5 Different Owners Choose Different Maintenance Terminal 143

4.3.6 Middle or Low End Consumers Bring Changes to Automotive Parts Distribution 144


Chapter Five China Automotive Parts Market Supply Analysis 144

5.1 China's Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry Characteristics 144

5.1.1 The Current China Auto Parts Industry need Change 144

5.1.2 Multinational Auto Parts Enterprises Investment in China Continue Increasing 148

5.1.3 Foreign Parts Manufacturers Enter China 153

5.1.4 China's Auto Parts Manufacturing mainly for Supporting Market-based Parts 154

5.1.5 China's auto parts manufacturing rarely independent brands to enter the market 157

5.2 Chinese Auto Parts Manufacturing Division and Collaboration Supply System Analysis 158

5.2.1 First Class Parts Supplier in close relationship with the Vehicle the Factory 158

5.2.2 Second Class Suppliers Complex Structure 158

5.2.3 Specialization Scale Parts Supplier Gradually Formed 159

5.3 Auto Parts Manufacturing Competition Analysis 161

5.3.1 Auto Parts Production Value Percentage in the whole Vehicle need increase 161

5.3.2 China Auto Parts Supporting System Trend 165

5.3.3 Auto Parts Export Strategy Analysis 170

5.3.4 Regional Manufacturing advantage has been reflected 172

5.4 Key Auto Parts Manufacturers Analysis 176

5.4.1 Delphi Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 176

5.4.2 ZF Sales & Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 177

5.4.3 Denso (China) Investment Co., Ltd 178

5.4.4 Bosch 179

5.4.5 Visteon International Holdings Corporation 180

5.4.6 Mogul Group (United States NASDAQ OTC Market Code: FDMLQ) 181

5.4.7 Continental Group (Germany) 182

5.4.8 Hella - the idea of today, the car of tomorrow 183

5.4.9 Lear Group 184

5.4.10 Sky TRW Automotive Safety Systems Co., Ltd 185


Chapter Six China Automotive Parts Manufacturers Operating Analysis 186

6.1 Automotive Parts Industry Operating Management Analysis 186

6.1.1 Automotive Parts Market channels which tends to be diverse, the main consumer into Personal consumer 186

6.1.2 Automotive repair and maintenance services enterprise management 187

6.1.3 Management of Automotive Parts Circulation Enterprises 190

6.2 Business Expansion Behavior Analysis 191

6.2.1 Horizontal Expansion 191

6.2.2 Longitudinal Expansion 192

6.3 Beijing Auto Goods Market 192

6.3.1 Tianlong Beifang Auto Goods Market 192

6.3.2 Xijiao Yasen Auto Goods Market 193

6.3.3 Liuliqiao Auto Goods Market 194

6.3.4 West International Trade Car Base 195

6.3.5 Lianri Auto Goods Street 196


Chapter Seven Typical Business Case Analysis 197

7.1 Foreign Automotive Parts Companies Analysis 197

7.1.1 United States Successful distribution business case ATUOZONE 197

7.1.2 United States Successful distribution business case NAPA- Global Biggest Auto Parts Dealers 198

7.1.3 Japan Successful distribution business case AUTOBACS 199

7.2 China Automotive Parts Companies Analysis 200

7.2.1 Beijing Zhongqilianhe automotive parts Chain Co.,Ltd 200

7.1.2 Shanghai Delang Auto Parts Manufacturing Co.,Ltd 201

7.1.3 Beijing Zhongyida Fast Repair Chain Market entry strategy 203

7.2 Beijing Auto Service Market Summary 206


Chapter Eight Automotive Parts Industry Influence Factor Analysis 209

8.1 Macroeconomic Environment Influence Analysis 209

8.1.1 Sustained, rapid development, rapid development of Commercial Vehicles parts requirements 209

8.1.2 The per capita disposable income improved steadily, Passenger Cars, accessories market will expand rapidly 210

8.1.3 Iron and Steel automotive industry revitalization plan 211

8.2 Analysis of Industry Policy 214

8.2.1 Automotive parts industry management need to strengthen 214

8.2.2 <Auto Trading Policy> Influence to Automotive Parts Distributing 215

8.2.3 Automobile Industry Promotion Plan development of the automobile consumer market 216

8.2.4 The automobile industry restructuring and revitalization planning rules 217

8.3 Technical Factors Analysis 219


Chapter Nine Automotive Parts Industry Development Trend 221

9.1 Automotive Parts Industry Change Trend 221

9.1.1 Consumer Changes 221

9.1.2 The "Big 3S" automotive parts city model will be developed 221

9.1.3 Brand will Dominate the market 223

9.1.4 Operation showing the diversified development 225

9.1.5 Famous foreign Auto Parts Enterprise entered the domestic automotive parts market 228

9.1.6 Domestic automotive parts market is the development trend of multi-functional 231

9.2 Automotive parts Marketing trend 234

9.2.1 Automotive parts Marketing trend 234

9.2.2 Automotive parts Marketing to improve customer satisfaction Method 235

9.3 Changes of Business models and distribution channels 237

9.3.1 Business model change mode 237

9.3.2 Automotive parts City Own Important Position in Some Period 238

9.3.3 Fast repair chain network will take time 240

9.3.4 4S monopoly position decline 242

9.3.5 The competitive landscape will change, the independent market share increases 244

List of Table:


List of Charts:


Chart 1: Automotive Parts Industry Product Classification 15

Chart 2: China Automotive Parts Industry Value Chain 28

Chart 3: 2007-2011 China Automotive Monthly Sales (unit) 50

Chart 4: 2007-2011 China Automotive Monthly Sales Growth Rate 51

Chart 5: 2007-2011 China Passenger Cars Monthly Sales (Unit) and Growth Rate 51

Chart 6: 2008-2011 China Commercial Vehicles Monthly Sales (Unit) and Growth Rate 52

Chart 7: 2008-2011 China 1.6L or Below Displacement Passenger Cars Monthly Sales (Unit) and Growth Rate 52

Chart 8: 2007-2011 China Domestic Car Market Share by Local Japan Germany United States Brands 53

Chart 9: 2011 China Automotive Industry Added Value Profit Tax Revenue (100 Million RMB) List 54

Chart 10: 2011 China Automotive Sales Market Share by SAIC Dongfeng FAW Changan Beijing Automotive Group etc 54

Chart 11: 2008-2011 China Automobile Monthly Export (Unit) and Growth Rate 55

Chart 12: 2006-2012 Jan-Mar China Automotive Production and Sales (10K Units) 59

Chart 13: 2006-2012 Jan-Mar China Passenger Cars Production and Sales (10K Units) 59

Chart 14: 2012 Jan-Mar China Passenger Cars Production and Sales (10K Units) 59

Chart 15: 2006-2012 Jan-Mar China Commercial Vehicles Production and Sales (10K Units) 60

Chart 16: 2012 Jan-Mar China Commercial Vehicles Production and Sales (10K Units) 60

Chart 17: Jan-Dec 2011 China Second-hand Car Monthly Trading Volume (Unit) and Growth Rate 62

Chart 18: 2011 China Second-hand Car Trading Volume TOP10 Province Ranking 64

Chart 19: China Domestic Auto Parts Supply Chain 66

Chart 20: 2011 Global Automotive Production by Country (unit) 76

Chart 21: China Automotive Parts Market Supply Chain 92

Chart 22: China Automotive Parts Maket Key Brands List 120

Chart 23: 2010-2012 China Automotive Parts Market Demand (100 Million RMB) Forecast 138

Chart 24: First select the repair / maintenance services to retail outlets considerations 142

Chart 25: Important Factors for Selecting Maintenance Service Network 143

Chart 26: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Number of Enterprises above Designated size (unit) 161

Chart 27: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Total Loss (K RMB) 162

Chart 28: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Revenue (100 Million RMB) 162

Chart 29: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Total Profit (100 Million RMB) 162

Chart 30: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Investment Return (100 Million RMB) 162

Chart 31: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Employees 163

Chart 32: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Sales Profit Margin % 163

Chart 33: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Sales Gross Margin % 163

Chart 34: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Return on assets statistics % 163

Chart 35: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Industrial output value of statistics (100 Million RMB) 164

Chart 36: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Industrial sales value statistics (100 Million RMB) 164

Chart 37: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Production and marketing rate % 164

Chart 38: 2005-2011 China Automotive Parts Industry Above-scale Enterprises Export delivery value statistics (100 Million RMB) 164

Chart 39: 2011 China Regional Auto Parts Revenue Profit Assets (100 Million RMB) etcList 174

Chart 40: 2005 -2011 China GDP and Growth Rate (100 Million RMB) 209

Chart 41: 2005-2011 Society Total Fixed Asset Investment Statistics (100 Million RMB) 210

Chart 42: 2005-2011 Rural per capita net income statistics (RMB) 211

Chart 43: 2005-2011 urban residents per capita disposable income statistics (RMB) 211

Chart 44: 2011 China New Released Automotive Parts Cities List 231