Bone Cancer Pipeline Review, H1 2012

Bone Cancer Pipeline Review, H1 2012

Bone Metabolism Therapeutics Market

Bone Market


Global Markets Directs, 'Bone Cancer - Pipeline Review, H1 2012', provides an overview of the Bone Cancer therapeutic pipeline. This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Bone Cancer, complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Bone Cancer. 'Bone Cancer - Pipeline Review, H1 2012' is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Directs proprietary databases, Company/University websites, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources, put together by Global Markets Directs team.

Note*: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease.


- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Bone Cancer.
- A review of the Bone Cancer products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.
- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.
- Coverage of the Bone Cancer pipeline on the basis of route of administration and molecule type.
- Profiles of late-stage pipeline products featuring sections on product description, mechanism of action and research & development progress.
- Key discontinued pipeline projects.
- Latest news and deals relating to the products.

Reasons to buy

- Identify and understand important and diverse types of therapeutics under development for Bone Cancer.
- Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and design effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage.
- Plan mergers and acquisitions effectively by identifying players with the most promising pipeline.
- Devise corrective measures for pipeline projects by understanding Bone Cancer pipeline depth and focus of Bone Cancer therapeutics.
- Develop and design in-licensing and out-licensing strategies by identifying prospective partners with the most attractive projects to enhance and expand business potential and scope.
- Modify the therapeutic portfolio by identifying discontinued projects and understanding the factors that drove them from pipeline.


Bone Cancer Therapeutic Products under Development, Key Players in Bone Cancer Therapeutics, Bone Cancer Pipeline Overview, Bone Cancer Pipeline, Bone Cancer Pipeline Assessment


Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
List of Tables 17
List of Figures 18
Introduction 19
Global Markets Direct Report Coverage 19
Bone Cancer Overview 20
Therapeutics Development 21
An Overview of Pipeline Products for Bone Cancer 21
Bone Cancer Therapeutics under Development by Companies 23
Bone Cancer Therapeutics under Investigation by Universities/Institutes 26
Late Stage Products 31
Comparative Analysis 31
Mid Clinical Stage Products 32
Comparative Analysis 32
Early Clinical Stage Products 33
Comparative Analysis 33
Discovery and Pre-Clinical Stage Products 34
Comparative Analysis 34
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Products under Development by Companies 35
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes 36
Companies Involved in Bone Cancer Therapeutics Development 43
Genzyme Corporation 43
Amgen Inc. 44
Eli Lilly and Company 45
Merck & Co., Inc. 46
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 47
ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. 48
ImClone Systems Incorporated 49
Cephalon, Inc. 50
Genta Incorporated 51
Bayer AG 52
Advaxis, Inc. 53
Oncolytics Biotech Inc. 54
Osteologix, Inc. 55
Green Cross Corporation 56
Algeta ASA 57
Simcere Pharmaceutical Group 58
Merrion Pharmaceuticals Plc 59
Digna Biotech, S.L. 60
Debiopharm Group 61
Amura Holdings Ltd. 62
Hawthorn Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 63
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, LLC 64
Jennerex Biotherapeutics, Inc. 65
Virobay Inc. 66
PharmaMar, S.A. 67
Targa Therapeutics Corp. 68
Epeius Biotechnologies Corporation 69
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Assessment 70
Assessment by Monotherapy Products 70
Assessment by Combination Products 71
Assessment by Route of Administration 72
Assessment by Molecule Type 74
Drug Profiles 77
Xgeva - Drug Profile 77
Product Description 77
Mechanism of Action 77
R&D Progress 77
IMC-A12 - Drug Profile 79
Product Description 79
Mechanism of Action 79
R&D Progress 79
G4544 - Drug Profile 81
Product Description 81
Mechanism of Action 81
R&D Progress 81
Ridaforolimus - Drug Profile 83
Product Description 83
Mechanism of Action 83
R&D Progress 83
ART010 - Drug Profile 85
Product Description 85
Mechanism of Action 85
R&D Progress 85
IPI-926 - Drug Profile 86
Product Description 86
Mechanism of Action 86
R&D Progress 86
Debio 0719 - Drug Profile 88
Product Description 88
Mechanism of Action 88
R&D Progress 88
Ganitumab - Drug Profile 90
Product Description 90
Mechanism of Action 90
R&D Progress 90
AYRPVSRNI + IFA + Interferon Alpha - Drug Profile 194
Product Description 194
Mechanism of Action 194
R&D Progress 194
Mozobil - Drug Profile 195
Product Description 195
Mechanism of Action 195
R&D Progress 195
High Dose Methotrexate - Drug Profile 197
Product Description 197
Mechanism of Action 197
R&D Progress 197
Zoledronic acid + Gleevec - Drug Profile 198
Product Description 198
Mechanism of Action 198
R&D Progress 198
Temsirolimus + Valproic Acid - Drug Profile 199
Product Description 199
Mechanism of Action 199
R&D Progress 199
CEP-37251 - Drug Profile 200
Product Description 200
Mechanism of Action 200
R&D Progress 200
Filgrastim + Cisplatin + Dexrazoxane + Doxorubicin + Leucovorin + Methotrexate - Drug Profile 201
Product Description 201
Mechanism of Action 201
R&D Progress 201
Filgrastim + Cisplatin + Dexrazoxane + Doxorubicin + Leucovorin + Methotrexate - Drug Profile 203
Product Description 203
Mechanism of Action 203
R&D Progress 203
Afinitor - Drug Profile 237
Product Description 237
Mechanism of Action 237
R&D Progress 237
haw mAb11 - Drug Profile 238
Product Description 238
Mechanism of Action 238
R&D Progress 238
Sirolimus + Celecoxib + Etoposide + Cyclophosphamide - Drug Profile 239
Product Description 239
Mechanism of Action 239
R&D Progress 239
RO4929097 + Dexamethasone - Drug Profile 240
Product Description 240
Mechanism of Action 240
R&D Progress 240
Zymafos + Etoposide + Carboplatin - Drug Profile 241
Product Description 241
Mechanism of Action 241
R&D Progress 241
AM-3701 - Drug Profile 242
Product Description 242
Mechanism of Action 242
R&D Progress 242
Leuprolide + Doxorubicin Hydrochloride + Zoledronate - Drug Profile 243
Product Description 243
Mechanism of Action 243
R&D Progress 244
Endostar + Methotrexate + Cisplatin + Pirarubicin + Ifosfamide - Drug Profile 245
Product Description 245
Mechanism of Action 245
R&D Progress 245
Dexrazoxane + Doxorubicin + Cisplatin + Methotrexate + Ifosfamide + Etoposide - Drug Profile 247
Product Description 247
Mechanism of Action 247
R&D Progress 248
Cytoxan + Doxorubicin + Vincristine + Irinotecan + Temozolomide + Neulasta + Mesnex - Drug Profile 249
Product Description 249
Mechanism of Action 249
R&D Progress 250
Etoposide + Carboplatin + Cyclophosphamide + Mesna + Melphalan + Tandem Peripheral Blood Stem Cell - Drug Profile 251
Product Description 251
Mechanism of Action 251
R&D Progress 252
Vincristine + Cyclophosphamide + Adriamycin + Etoposide + Cisplatin + Carboplatin + Melphalan + Ifosfamide + Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor + Mesna - Drug Profile 253
Product Description 253
Mechanism of Action 253
R&D Progress 253
VEGF/rGel - Drug Profile 255
Product Description 255
Mechanism of Action 255
R&D Progress 255
Vincristine + Topotecan + Cyclophosphamide + Doxorubicin + Etoposide + Ifosfamide - Drug Profile 257
Product Description 257
Mechanism of Action 257
R&D Progress 258
Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Dexrazoxane + ImmTher + Mesna + Neupogen + Neulasta - Drug Profile 259
Product Description 259
Mechanism of Action 259
R&D Progress 260
EF-2 Peptide + IL-2 + Autologous T-Cell Transplantation - Drug Profile 261
Product Description 261
Mechanism of Action 261
R&D Progress 261
EF-2 Peptide + IL-2 - Drug Profile 263
Product Description 263
Mechanism of Action 263
R&D Progress 263
PXFK Peptide + IL-2 - Drug Profile 264
Product Description 264
Mechanism of Action 264
R&D Progress 264
PXFK Peptide + IL-2 + Autologous T cell Transplantation - Drug Profile 265
Product Description 265
Mechanism of Action 265
R&D Progress 266
E7 Peptide + IL-2 - Drug Profile 267
Product Description 267
Mechanism of Action 267
R&D Progress 267
E7 Peptide + IL-2 + Autologous T Cell Transplantation - Drug Profile 269
Product Description 269
Mechanism of Action 269
R&D Progress 269
Thalidomide - Drug Profile 271
Product Description 271
Mechanism of Action 271
R&D Progress 271
Hydroxychloroquine + Radiation Therapy - Drug Profile 272
Product Description 272
Mechanism of Action 272
R&D Progress 272
Docetaxel + Carboplatin + Trastuzumab + Bevacizumab - Drug Profile 273
Product Description 273
Mechanism of Action 273
R&D Progress 273
Docetaxel + Rhenium-186 HEDP - Drug Profile 275
Product Description 275
Mechanism of Action 275
R&D Progress 275
MG1102 - Drug Profile 276
Product Description 276
Mechanism of Action 276
R&D Progress 276
DCC-2909 - Drug Profile 277
Product Description 277
Mechanism of Action 277
R&D Progress 277
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Drug Profile Updates 278
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Discontinued Products 302
Bone Cancer Therapeutics - Dormant Products 304
Bone Cancer Product Development Milestones 313
Featured News & Press Releases 313
Apr 26, 2012: Amgen Receives Complete Response Letter From FDA For XGEVA sBLA For Prevention Of Bone Metastases 313
Apr 17, 2012: Daiichi Sankyo Launches RANMARK In Japan 313
Mar 31, 2012: Researchers State Combination Of Two Targeted Therapies Act Against Ewing's Sarcoma Tumors 314
Mar 29, 2012: NICE Recommends Use Of Amgen's Denosumab For Certain Groups Of Cancer Patients 315
Mar 20, 2012: Merck And ARIAD Provide Update On FDA Advisory Committee Vote On Ridaforolimus For Treatment Of Sarcomas 316
Mar 19, 2012: Medivir To File Application For Initiation Of Phase I Trials Of MIV-711 316
Feb 10, 2012: Analysis Of Updated ALSYMPCA Phase III Data Confirms Overall Survival Benefit Of Alpharadin In Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases 317
Feb 02, 2012: Algeta Announces Initiation Of Expanded Access Program For Alpharadin In US 317
Feb 01, 2012: Detailed Results From ALSYMPCA Phase III Study Highlight Positive Impact Of Alpharadin On Skeletal-related Events Associated With Bone Metastases From Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer 317
Jan 27, 2012: Algeta Announces Results From ALSYMPCA Phase III Study With Alpharadin To Be Presented At 2012 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium 319
Appendix 320
Methodology 320
Coverage 320
Secondary Research 320
Primary Research 320
Expert Panel Validation 320
Contact Us 321
Disclaimer 321

List of Table:

List of Tables
Number of Products Under Development for Bone Cancer, H1 2012 21
Products under Development for Bone Cancer Comparative Analysis, H1 2012 22
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2012 24
Number of Products under Development by Companies, H1 2012 (Contd..1) 25
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 27
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..1) 28
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..2) 29
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..3) 30
Comparative Analysis by Late Stage Development, H1 2012 31
Comparative Analysis by Mid Clinical Stage Development, H1 2012 32
Comparative Analysis by Early Clinical Stage Development, H1 2012 33
Comparative Analysis by Discovery and Pre-Clinical Stage Development, H1 2012 34
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2012 35
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 36
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..1) 37
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..2) 38
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..3) 39
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..4) 40
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..5) 41
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 (Contd..6) 42
Genzyme Corporation, H1 2012 43
Amgen Inc., H1 2012 44
Eli Lilly and Company, H1 2012 45
Merck & Co., Inc., H1 2012 46
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2012 47
ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc., H1 2012 48
ImClone Systems Incorporated, H1 2012 49
Cephalon, Inc., H1 2012 50
Genta Incorporated, H1 2012 51
Bayer AG, H1 2012 52
Advaxis, Inc., H1 2012 53
Oncolytics Biotech Inc., H1 2012 54
Osteologix, Inc., H1 2012 55
Green Cross Corporation, H1 2012 56
Algeta ASA, H1 2012 57
Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, H1 2012 58
Merrion Pharmaceuticals Plc, H1 2012 59
Digna Biotech, S.L., H1 2012 60
Debiopharm Group, H1 2012 61
Amura Holdings Ltd., H1 2012 62
Hawthorn Pharmaceuticals, Inc., H1 2012 63
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, LLC, H1 2012 64
Jennerex Biotherapeutics, Inc., H1 2012 65
Virobay Inc., H1 2012 66
PharmaMar, S.A., H1 2012 67
Targa Therapeutics Corp., H1 2012 68
Epeius Biotechnologies Corporation, H1 2012 69
Assessment by Monotherapy Products, H1 2012 70
Assessment by Combination Products, H1 2012 71
Assessment by Stage and Route of Administration, H1 2012 73
Assessment by Stage and Molecule Type, H1 2012 76
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Drug Profile Updates 278
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Discontinued Products 302
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Discontinued Products (Contd..1) 303
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products 304
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..1) 305
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..2) 306
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..3) 307
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..4) 308
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..5) 309
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..6) 310
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..7) 311
Bone Cancer Therapeutics Dormant Products (Contd..8) 312

List of Charts:

List of Figures
Number of Products under Development for Bone Cancer, H1 2012 21
Products under Development for Bone Cancer Comparative Analysis, H1 2012 22
Products under Development by Companies, H1 2012 23
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, H1 2012 26
Late Stage Products, H1 2012 31
Mid Clinical Stage Products, H1 2012 32
Early Clinical Stage Products, H1 2012 33
Discovery and Pre-Clinical Stage Products, H1 2012 34
Assessment by Monotherapy Products, H1 2012 70
Assessment by Combination Products, H1 2012 71
Assessment by Route of Administration, H1 2012 72
Assessment by Stage and Route of Administration, H1 2012 73
Assessment by Molecule Type, H1 2012 74
Assessment by Stage and Molecule Type, H1 2012 75

Bone Cancer Pipeline Review, H1 2012

Bone Metabolism Therapeutics Market

Bone Market